Iron Rangers Fee Collection Equipment 

        Proven design resists the most interested vandal.


FS836 Shell / FS836A Insert Series: Designed for remote locations, featuring *"dual accountability", allowing one person pick-up of funds, with two person accountability. This series has estimated capacity of 50-80 filled envelopes. **

FS1236 Shell / FS1236A Insert Series: Identical design features as the FS836 series, but with greater capacity, estimated at 120 filled envelopes.** 

 Option: The FS836 / FS1236 Series can be ordered with a Martin Brown powder coated finish at no added cost. Color is shown on the EB-1 Empty Envelope Box. Hot dipped galvanizing is standard for the shells.

EB-1 Empty Envelope Box: This unit is meant to be mounted directly to the FS836 /FS1236 shells, PT836 pay tube, or to other objects such as posts or information boards. The standard size accommodates most Department of Interior Agency envelopes;( 6 3/8 x 3 1/8 ) folded, with a capacity approximating 400 pc's. Mounting is internal and assembly is by riveting. Construction is of .080 aluminum, powder coated Martin Brown. 

Winter Covers: "lockable" for FS836 / FS1236 shells. Keep shells free of debris and internal damage during off season. Hot dipped galvanized or brown powder coated finish.


Locks to be supplied by Customer, and need to be Heavy Duty standard shank type. 

Blank Fee Envelopes: Folded size is 6 3/8 x 3 1/8, plus an adhesive tab, with perforated stub. Available in quantities of 500 per box, 2,500 per case. White.

* "Dual Accountability": Security locking system allows removal of insert from shell at the site with separately keyed access slide locks to be removed back at headquarters. A second insert is installed as the other is removed.

Installation: Customers to supply 4 threaded "j" anchor bolts, nuts and washers for each shell mounted in recommended concrete pad. Requires ratchet and extensions to attach shell to anchors.  Detailed instructions availiable.

  for remote locations, featuring                        

** envelope capacity varies due to the thickness of funds deposited in the envelope, anti-fishing prongs can be removed in low theft areas to increase capacity

FS1236 Shell / FS1236A Insert S****s the FS836 series, but with greater capacity, estimated at 600 filled envelopes.

Option: The FS836 /FS1236 Series can be ordered with a Martin Brown powder coated finish at no added cost.  Color is shown on the  EB-1 Empty Envelope Box.

A hot dipped galvanizing is standard for the shells.

Blank Fee Envelopes: Folded size is 6 3/8 x 3 1/8, plus an adhesive tab, with perforated stub.  Available in quantities of 500 per box .

EB-1 Empty Envelope Box: This unit is meant to be mounted directly to the FS836 / FS1236 shells or to other objects such as posts or information boards. The standard size accommodates most Department of Interior Agency envelopes;   ( 6 3/8 X 3 1/8 ) folded, with a capacity approximating 400 pc's. Mounting is internal and assembly is by riveting.     Construction is of .080 aluminum, powder coated Martin Brown.   Special size runs are available.



* "Dual Accountability": Security locking system allows removal  of insert from shell at the site with separately keyed access slide locks to be removed back at headquarters. A second insert is installed as the other is removed.


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